About Tarun Art Gallery

Tarun Art Gallery is a standout amongst the most inventive and recognized online painting galleries in the nation. We are solid adherents to the transformational intensity of innovation and have for quite some time been the spearheading painting element in the nation; uniting painters, authorities and exhibitions onto a solitary ground-breaking on the web stage. With a best in class client encounter, and a main edge workmanship entryway, we change the painting shopping knowledge, engage painters, and give a colossal accommodation to the individuals who wish to re-offer their specialty.

For around 38 years, Tarun Art Gallery has shown a bit of the unique and best shows of present day and contemporary painting in India building up an entry of Indian paintings. We are currently working in two full time shows in New Delhi. We have a customer base that ranges globally which is upheld by our dependable worldwide conveyance channel.

Tarun Art Gallery highlights works of art and presentations by expert and in addition rising Artist from India and abroad. We have taken exceptional endeavors to record the commitment made by old bosses to Indian paintings. Our main goal is to support and underwrite developing specialists one next to the other with experts of their field and make a one of a kind and extraordinary review involvement.

We have faith in the reason for the specialists and the significance of inventiveness in the field which is the reason most extreme consideration and safety measure whenever taken to ensure resourcefulness of the Art Piece.

Trustworthy and exceptional Artist by the Indian present day experts like Jogen Chowdhury, Satish Gujral, Kartick Pyne, Partha Pratim Deb and various others are available through showcases and can be clearly accumulated from different shows and displays sometimes or can be gained from home through the web. In the summary of notable contemporary pros, Tarun Art Gallery, all things considered, has shown paintings by Kishore Roy, Nilay Sarkar, Bikash Poddar, Hukum Lal Verma, Tapan Dash, S.Gautam, Shiv Lal , Pulakesh Mandal and from the new period Artist - the names are Ranjit Sarkar, Rajat Nandi, Sanjay Chakraborty, Ashok Choudhary and various others. One can essentially keep running over their works and experience their elegant grandness at whatever point they visit any of the showcases of Tarun Art Gallery in New Delhi.