Terms & Conditions

  1. The logo and the brand name of the Tarun Art Gallery is a registered trademark.
  2. In order to enhance user satisfaction, Tarun Art Gallery may be affiliated with and/or may outsource services to different vendors and shall not be held accountable/liable for any of these third-party vendors, in any matter whatsoever.
  3. Unless consented to by the user, all user information provided at the time of registration shall be secured by Tarun Art Gallery and shall not be shared with any individual or third party.
  4. All the images and data, submitted by artists, sellers, buyers, or any such person related to the arts, may be edited, reproduced, reformatted, published, and circulated both online and offline as Tarun Art Gallery deems fit.
  5. As per the requirement of Tarun Art Gallery, text submitted by art critics, writers, and those in the literary field may be re-edited and published both online and offline.
  6. Packing rates depend on the size and medium of the artwork as well as the packing material and the labour required.
  7. If we owe you money, we will credit your credit or debit card as soon as reasonably practicable but in any event no later than 30 days from the date of your order.
  8. Any sale taking place within India is subject to 12% GST on the sale value.
  9. Delivery periods can never be considered as fatal periods unless expressly agreed upon otherwise.
  10. Tarun Art Gallery reserves the right to cancel any sale without prior notice to the buyer.
  11. Tarun Art Gallery’s decision shall be final and binding, in case of any dispute.
  12. The Terms and Conditions of the Tarun Art Gallery shall be governed by, interpreted, and construed in accordance with Indian laws.
  13. A buyer is committed to pay and acquire the said artwork upon confirming an artwork.
  14. Tarun Art Gallery shall not participate in the exporting of national treasures in accordance with the Antiquities and Art Treasures Act, 1972.
  15. The Purchaser buys the artwork in the condition of the artwork at the time of the sale. The Purchaser should take note of the condition of the artwork prior to the sale.
  16. The Gallery guarantees the authenticity of the artwork unless the guarantee is reserved expressly or tacitly, e.g. by the amount of the price paid for the artwork.
  17. All the artworks displayed on the website are supported by an authenticity guarantee from the artist.
  18. Tarun Art Gallery is authorized by the artist to exercise complete discretion in
  • the illustration and descriptions of the painting for viewing and sale and acceptance or rejection of orders received.