Tapan Dash

Painter Sculptor | India

Born in 1972

« Impressions of the mind. »

He is born in 1972, India. Tapan Dash has a BFA from the B.K.Collage Art of & Crafts, Bhubaneswar. He has been awarded the ALFC Scholarship Award, New Delhi; Annual Exhibition Award ,B.K. Collage of Art & Crafts; the NALCO State Award, Damanjori etc. The artist has participated in solo and group shows in Bhubaneswar, Mumbai, Delhi and Calcutta. Besides this he has been participating in Art Camps around the country.

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Tapan Dash


Impressions of the mind

Painter | Sculptor | India

Born in 1972

Tapan Dash
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He is born in 1972, India. Tapan Dash has a BFA from the B.K.Collage Art of & Crafts, Bhubaneswar. He has been awarded the ALFC Scholarship Award, New Delhi; Annual Exhibition Award ,B.K. Collage of Art & Crafts; the NALCO State Award, Damanjori etc. The artist has participated in solo and group shows in Bhubaneswar, Mumbai, Delhi and Calcutta. Besides this he has been participating in Art Camps around the country.

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  • • Organized by Asian Academy of Film & Television 2001
Group Exhibitions
  • Orissa State Lalit Kala Academy, Bhubaneswar
  • • State Exhibition, organized by INTACH, Bhubaneswar • Sate Exhibition, organized by NALCO, Damanjori
  • • East Zone Youth Festival, Rewa University, M.P.
  • • National Exhibition, Bangalore organized by Lalit Kala Academy, New Delhi • All India Millennium Young Artists Camp, organized by AIFACS, New Delhi
  • • AIFACS Annual Exhibition, New Delhi

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