Jeram Patel
Whose visual influence and use of abstraction changed the Indian art world
Painter | India
Born in 1930
Died in 2016

Jeram Patel was Born in 1930, Sojitra, Bombay State, India. Place of Death: 2016, Varodara, Gujarat, India (86 years) A noted abstractionist known for the visual identity, he had carved a niche for himself in the Indian art scene. Everybody saw him as a hard task master who was very strict and seldom spoke. Though a bit of an introvert, he was an amicable gentleman. He made his work do the talking and it continues to win admirers. Patel was known for his contribution to the modern art scene since 1950’s and 1960’s. His experiments in various mediums earned him fame as artist. In the 1960’ he worked on the method called blow torch on wood and something that was never tried before. His canvases were also known for featuring three black strokes. According to his contemporaries, the language of art employed by Jeram Patel was much ahead of its time. His exquisite works won him National Award for Design in 1976. Jeram patel bequeathed his properties for his caretaker Daahya Marwadi. Patel has been associated with various organizations including the Lalit Kala Akademi, New Delhi, the Gujarat State Lalit Kala Akademi, the Royal Society of Arts, London, the School of Architecture, Ahmedabad and the Weavers' Service Centre, All-India Handloom Board, New Delhi. He was till recent working as a professor at the Faculty of Fine Arts, Baroda University.