Baiju Parthan

Painter | India

Born in 1956

« "Painting gave me self-worth," says Parthan. »

Parthan began as an engineer, but was drawn into the world of art in 1974 when he stumbled onto a book detailing the history of Western art. He became familiar with the movements of Impressionism, Expressionism, and so forth, and this new knowledge nourished his interest in painting. Parthan began to study the Indian mystical arts, exploring tantra, ritual arts, and Indian mythology. He also faced Western art influence. Experience: "Painting gave me self-worth," says Parthan. "In that pictorial space, I was king. I began to define myself through this act of painting: It was the only place where I could 'be'." Excited by the prospect of studying art, Parthan went to Goa and enrolled in a five-year course in fine arts. Parthan is especially interested in the influence of technology on religious beliefs, the implications of genetic engineering, and the possibilities of post-humanism

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Baiju Parthan


"Painting gave me self-worth," says Parthan

Painter | India

Born in 1956

Baiju Parthan
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Parthan began as an engineer, but was drawn into the world of art in 1974 when he stumbled onto a book detailing the history of Western art. He became familiar with the movements of Impressionism, Expressionism, and so forth, and this new knowledge nourished his interest in painting. Parthan began to study the Indian mystical arts, exploring tantra, ritual arts, and Indian mythology. He also faced Western art influence. Experience: "Painting gave me self-worth," says Parthan. "In that pictorial space, I was king. I began to define myself through this act of painting: It was the only place where I could 'be'." Excited by the prospect of studying art, Parthan went to Goa and enrolled in a five-year course in fine arts. Parthan is especially interested in the influence of technology on religious beliefs, the implications of genetic engineering, and the possibilities of post-humanism

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  • Goa Lalit Kala Academy for Award for Artist of the Year, Goa 1981
  • Lalit Kala Akademi Merit Prize 1978-81
  • Artist in Residency, Gallery Seven Degrees, Laguna, California 2001
  • Nominee for Artist of the Year, Sotheby’s, London 2000
Solo Exhibitions
  • Gallery Sumukha, Bangalore
  • Apparao Galleries, Chennai
  • Chaze Gallery, Goa
  • Masterpiece Gallery, New Delhi
  • Sophia Duchesne Gallery, Mumbai
  • Gallery Espace, New Delhi
  • Fine Art Company, Mumbai
  • ‘Brahma’s Homepage – Paintings, Objects and Cyber Stuff’, Lakeeren Contemporary Art Gallery, Mumbai
  • Lakeeren Contemporary Art Gallery, Mumbai
  • 'Recursor', Gallery OED, Kochi
  • 'Dislocation: Milljunction Part 2', Aicon Gallery, London
  • 'Milljunction: Paintings and Photo-Works by Baiju Parthan', Aicon Gallery, New York
  • ‘Liquid Memory + Rant’, New Media Installation at Vadehra Art Gallery, New Delhi
Group Exhibitions
  • ’50 Years of Indian Contemporary Art’, Jehangir Art Gallery, Mumbai
  • ‘Within The Frame’, Indian Contemporary Art, organized by Visual Arts Centre, Hong Kong
  • ‘Chamatkara’, Indian Contemporary Art’, organized by Whitley’s Gallery, London with Centre of International Modern Art (CIMA), Kolkata
  • ‘Four Visions’, The Gallery, Hong Kong
  • ‘Everywhere Is War (and Rumors of War)’, Bodhi Art, Mumbai
  • 'Modern and Contemporary Indian Art', Vadehra Art Gallery, New Delhi
  • 'Freedom: Sixty Years After Indian Independence', Centre for International Modern Art (CIMA), Kolkata
  • ‘Polyphonies’, Gallery Hosp, Tirol – Österreich, Austria
  • 'Gallery Collection', Bodhi Art, Singapore
  • ‘Young Guns’, Institute of Contemporary Indian Art (ICIA), Mumbai
  • ‘Altered Realities’, Gallery Arts India, New York
  • ‘Strangeness’, Anant Art Gallery, Kolkata
  • 'Organic Dreams of Electric Sheep: Image, Empathy, and Pulse: After Philip K. Dick', The Guild Art Gallery, Mumbai
  • 'Mapmakers: The Evolution of Contemporary Indian Art', Aicon Gallery, New York
  • 'Reprise 2011', Aicon Gallery, New York
  • 'Adbhutam: Rasa in Indian Art', Centre of International Modern Art(CIMA), Kolkata
  • Gallery Sumukha, Chennai

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